Home Kids Dental Health Baby Teething: Remedies Every Parent Should Know about the Discomfort

Baby Teething: Remedies Every Parent Should Know about the Discomfort

Baby teething remedies

Every parent can relate to the trials and tribulations of teething—a phase that turns your sweet baby into a fussy and irritable baby. This journey, though challenging, doesn’t have to be walked alone or in the dark. With the right knowledge on the remedies, you can transform the teething period into a wonderful experience for both you and your baby. 

In this comprehensive guide, we unravel the stages of teething, uncover tried-and-true remedies to alleviate the discomfort your baby might experience during this phase, and share my invaluable insights as a Dentist. Together, we’ll turn teething troubles into triumphs, bringing back those precious giggles and peaceful nights.

Stages of Teeth Eruption

Teething is the word that describes the burrowing of a tooth from the jaw bone to emerge through the gums into the mouth at a particular period of time. The entire process may come with various forms of discomfort for the child.

Teething typically begins around six months of age, although it can start as early as four months or as late as twelve months. Babies begin to show signs of teething even before the first tooth appears.

The first set of teeth in a child’s mouth is called the primary or milk teeth.The primary dentition consists of 20 teeth with 10 teeth beautifully arranged on each jaw.

Primary Dentition of the Lower Jaw

The lower primary central incisors are usually the first tooth to erupt at 6 months. It is possible for a baby to be born with a tooth already in its mouth (natal tooth) or for a baby to erupt a tooth within the first month of birth (neonatal tooth). 

The eruption of the central incisors is followed by the emergence of the lateral incisors at 7 months of age. 

The first primary molars are next. They emerge at 12 months, followed by the canines at 16 months and then the second molars at 20 months.

Primary Dentition of the Upper Jaw

The central incisors are the first to erupt on the upper jaw at 7.5 months. This is followed by the lateral incisors at 9 months.

The first maxillary molars emerge before the canines at 14 months while the canines erupt at 18 months. The second molars come up at 24 months.

Please, note that these are average tooth eruption dates. There are children whose teeth emerge earlier than the average timing. while there are those whose teeth erupt at a later time.

Signs and Symptoms of Teething

  • Desire to Chew: babies may start to chew on objects, toys, or their own fingers to relieve gum discomfort.
  • Mild Irritability: you might notice increased fussiness and crying as the baby feels the pressure of emerging teeth.
  • Disrupted Sleep Patterns: babies may have trouble sleeping due to gum discomfort.
  • Drooling of Saliva: excessive drooling can cause a mild rash around the mouth, chin, and chest area.
  • Swollen Gums: gums may become red, swollen, and tender where the teeth are emerging.
  • Increase in Biting Behaviours: babies may bite on anything they can get their hands on to alleviate gum pain.

Remedies for Teething Discomfort

While teething is a natural phase in the development of a baby, the discomfort can be eased with a few tried and tested remedies. Here’s a list of effective remedies that you can use to soothe your teething baby:

1. Cold Items

A cold washcloth, or a spoon can provide relief to sore gums. Make sure not to use anything too cold as it could harm the baby’s sensitive gums.

Avoid using frozen items directly as extreme cold can be damaging.

2. Teething Toys

Teething toys come in various shapes and textures. Choose ones made from safe materials and keep them clean. The chewing action can help relieve gum pressure.

Silicone-based teething toys are particularly effective and safe.

3. Massage

Gently rubbing your baby’s gums with a clean finger can ease discomfort. You can also use a clean, cool cloth wrapped around your finger.

Using a teething gel with natural ingredients adds to the relief.

4. Over-the-Counter Remedies

Teething gels and pain relievers approved by a paediatrician can be helpful. Always follow dosage instructions and consult with your paediatrician.

5. Chilled Foods

For older babies, chilled fruits like bananas or berries can act as both a nutritious snack and a soothing remedy. Use a mesh feeder to avoid choking hazards. Also be mindful of any potential allergens when introducing new foods.

6. Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding can provide comfort and act as a natural pain reliever. The suckling action can help massage the gums and provide relief.

When breastfeeding, ensure your baby has a good balance to prevent biting.

Safety Considerations for Teething Remedies

When it comes to searching for remedies that will help your baby with teething discomfort, safety should always be your top priority. While there are many remedies available, not all of them are safe or effective. Here are some important safety considerations to keep in mind when choosing teething remedies.

Avoid Hazardous Teething Toys

When selecting teething toys, it’s crucial to choose items made from safe, non-toxic materials. Avoid toys with small parts that can pose a choking hazard. Always check the labels to ensure the teething toys are made from materials that are safe for infants to chew on.

Be Cautious with Teething Gels and Tablets

Teething gels and tablets can provide temporary relief, but they can also contain ingredients that may not be safe for infants. Some teething gels contain benzocaine, which can cause serious side effects in young children. Consult with your paediatric dentist before using any over-the-counter teething gels or tablets. It’s important to be aware of the potential risks and side effects.

Monitor Cold Remedies

Cold remedies, such as washcloths, can help soothe sore gums. However, it’s important to use them safely. Never give your baby frozen items, as extreme cold can cause more harm than good. Chilled, not frozen.

Practice Good Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is essential when using teething remedies. Always wash your hands thoroughly before massaging your baby’s gums or handling teething toys. Clean teething toys and washcloths regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria that can cause infections. “Keeping everything clean is crucial because babies are more vulnerable to infections, so hygiene should never be compromised.

Consult with Healthcare Professionals

Before trying new teething remedies, it’s important to consult with healthcare professionals, such as your paediatrician or paediatric dentist. They can provide personalised advice and recommend safe and effective remedies tailored to your baby’s needs. 

Avoid DIY Remedies

While do-it-yourself (DIY) remedies can seem appealing, they may not always be safe for your baby. Avoid using homemade teething remedies that have not been recommended by healthcare professionals. “DIY remedies can sometimes contain ingredients or materials that are not safe for infants.

Stay Informed and Vigilant

As a parent, staying informed about the latest safety guidelines and recommendations for teething remedies is crucial. Regularly check for product recalls and safety warnings from reputable sources. Being vigilant and proactive can help you make informed decisions and protect your baby’s health.

Common Misconceptions about Teething

There are a few common misconceptions about teething that can lead to unnecessary worry or ineffective treatments. In fact, these are indications that your baby needs to see a doctor immediately.

1. Teething Causes Fever

 While slight increases in temperature can occur, teething does not cause high fever. If your baby has a high fever, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional.

2. Diarrhoea is Linked to Teething

 Although some babies might experience loose stools, diarrhoea is not a direct symptom of teething. It’s important to rule out other causes.

3. Teething Causes Severe Pain

 While discomfort is common, severe pain is not typical. If your baby seems to be in extreme pain, seek medical advice.


Teething is an inevitable part of growing up, but it doesn’t have to be a painful experience for either baby or parents. Understanding the stages of teething and implementing effective remedies can significantly alleviate discomfort for a baby in this phase of development. Always remember to consult healthcare professionals for personalised advice and ensure the safety of the remedies used.

With these tips and  insights, you can navigate the teething phase more comfortably, providing much-needed relief to your little ones. 

Additionally, maintaining good oral hygiene from the beginning sets the stage for healthy teeth development. Regular visits to the paediatric dentist, even before the first tooth appears, can help monitor your baby’s dental health and provide tailored advice as they grow.


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